Specialty Chemicals - Vapor Encapsulates

EZ Clean Vapor Suppressant with Microbes

A proprietary aqueous solution engineered to reduce VOCs/LELs, H2S, and SO2 gases on contact. Reduces hydrocarbon VOC emissions and odors immediately upon contact! A unique, scientific breakthrough in encapsulation and emulsification technology. Can use wherever water is used. Surfactant base, nontoxic, non-caustic, nonhazardous, and 100% biodegradable.

It is a biodegradable and environmentally preferred industrial concentrate having a neutral pH. It is noncorrosive, contains no butyls or citrus components, and is safe to handle and store.

Product #251; DOT Shipping Class 55; Nonhazardous

Contains a very pleasant fragrance.

Single Liquid Scrubber with Vapor EZ Clean with Microbes
Continuous Vacuum Load Method 150-250 CFM Inlet Flow Rate

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Scrubbing Vapors


  • We offer 400 lb up to 3,000 lb. carbon filters.
  • We strongly suggest that a liquid scrubber be placed upstream of the exhaust prior to the carbon filters.
  • The liquid scrubbers will reduce the VOC streams that go to the carbon, thus greatly reducing the chance of hot spots in the carbon or the carbon catching fire.
  • Our liquid scrubbers have proven to extend carbon life up to 8 times longer (big cost savings).

MSS (Master Startup and Shut Down):

  • Proven Compliance Strategy
  • Best B.A.C.T (Best Available Control Technology)
  • High Understanding of the Record-Keeping and Monitoring Programs Needed for Compliance

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